Emergency Pet Care

As responsible pet owners, being prepared for emergencies is essential. Knowing the nearest emergency pet care facility and their contact information can save precious moments during a crisis. Scroll down to learn more about emergency hospitals.


Emergency Pet Care in Preston, MN

Emergency pet care is vital to responsible pet ownership, ensuring that our beloved companions receive prompt and appropriate medical attention during unexpected health crises. Like humans, pets can experience sudden and life-threatening emergencies, such as accidents, injuries, or severe illnesses. In such critical moments, immediate action can make all the difference.

Emergencies can happen when we least expect them. Allied Veterinary Emergency is open after hours and weekends to meet your needs when RRVC is not open. For more comprehensive critical care there are a number of 24 hour emergency clinics located in the Twin Cities.

Allied Veterinary Emergency offers emergency care after hours and on weekends. (Operating temporarily at Stewartville Animal Clinic during their closed hours while they search for an official location.)

Additionally, being aware of basic first-aid measures for pets and having a pet first-aid kit on hand can be invaluable in providing immediate assistance before professional help is available. Remember, quick action and timely access to emergency pet care can significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome for our distressed furry companions.

Emergency Hospitals

If you have an emergency, please call ahead to verify their hours and let them know you are on your way.


Monday through Friday: 6PM to 7AM
24 Hours: Saturday and Sunday


Another great option for emergency care is the Animal Emergency & Referral Center. They have locations in Oakdale and St. Paul and are fully staffed 24 hours. You can also check their website at www.aercmn.com for a triage chart to help determine the level of your emergency.

Animal Emergency & Referral Center

Oakdale – ER & Specialty Services 24/7
1160 Helmo Ave N
Oakdale, MN 55128
(651) 501-3766

Animal Emergency & Referral Center

St. Paul – ER & Urgent Care 24/7
1542 W 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55103
(651) 293-1800